Contact Us
“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion..” Philippians 1:6 (NIV)
If you would like more information please contact our office.
Abundant Life Counseling & Renewal Center, LLC
3049 Ramada Way, Suite 200
Green Bay, WI 54304
Tel: 920-482-2932
Fax: 800-892-6147
Email: office@abundantlifecounselingcenter.com
Email Disclosure
Clients have the right to send emails to their therapist, however as a HIPAA covered entity, it is our obligation to inform clients of the risk involved when emailing Protected Health Information (PHI). Please be aware that email may not always be a confidential means of communication. There is a chance that emails could be exposed to unknown third parties on the Internet. They may also be exposed to others closer to your life, such as people in your home or if you are using your work email/computer, your employer(s.)
In addition, any response emailed by Abundant Life Counseling will be limited so as to not violate any HIPAA/PHI laws
3049 Ramada Way, Suite 200
Green Bay, WI 54304
Tel: 920-482-2932
E-mail: office@abundantlifecounselingcenter.com
Office Hours: Mon. - Thurs. 9am - 3pm
Office Staff Hours:
Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm